Come See Parker Racor at the VMMC

Vehicle Maintenance Management Conference
March 24~26, 2015
Shoreline Community College
16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline, WA
Parker Racor Conference Schedule:
Session 5 Wednesday, 8:30 - 10:00 am
2.6 Lube and Oil Filtration - David Cline, Racor Division
Learn the best way to extend lube oil life and why OEM filtration does not always meet the needs of your engines. Actual facts will be shared on how to lengthen the life of your oil and engine life. This is a must attend if you are challenged with insuring budgets are met and reducing overall PM costs..
Session 4 Tuesday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm
4.4 Fuel Polishing - David Cline, Racor Division
Learn the many issues and solutions that affect your fuel injection systems. Also how to insure long filter life and extended PM intervals. See how your fuel handling patterns affect the quality of fuel and life of your filters. See why exceeding OEM filtration standards is important to the life of your fuel injection system.
Session 6 Wednesday, 10:30 - 12:00 pm
6.4 Fuel Storage - Jeff Stewart, Racor Division
Learn of the issues and solutions in having pure clean fuel in your storage tanks. This includes bulk storage, slip tanks, and on vehicle tanks. See how to ensure you always have pure fuel and how to eliminate potential down time because the right protective measures were not applied along the delivery process.
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Racor Division
3400 Finch Road
Modesto, CA 95353
800 344 3286 / 209 521 7860